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Elementary Math
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Elementary Math

Elementary Math


The curriculum for our students at MPS isn't a textbook, it's the State's Mathematics Standards.

Pairing the grade-level standards with the Year at a Glance document will help you better understand what is being taught in the classroom.


Grade K Standards       Kindergarten Math Year at a Glance

Grade 1 Standards       Grade 1 Math Year at a Glance

Grade 2 Standards       Grade 2 Math Year at a Glance

Grade 3 Standards       Grade 3 Math Year at a Glance

Grade 4 Standards       Grade 4 Math Year at a Glance

                                           Telescoped Math 4 | 5 Year at a Glance

Grade 5 Standards       Grade 5 Math Year at a Glance

                                          Telescoped Math 5 | 6 Year at a Glance



