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Mathematics Resources

Mathematics Resources


What can you do to help your child/tutee? 

Here at MPS we teach for students to gain conceptual understanding in math, not just skills. These resources can help students meet Minneapolis Public Schools' standards. By using graphics and interactivity, these online resources can add to the conceptual understanding of the student's math skills. Working offline is also possible. Bring math into your everyday life while shopping, getting gas, thinking about temperature, or any other situation that contains numbers. Math can even be found in situations without numbers!

Top 5 resources for helping your child/tutee learn mathematics:

Navigator: Concept Book

Trying to understand what your child/tutee is learning? This book contains the strategies being taught in their math classrooms.


There are several math resources for parents and educators at SciMathMN.

Year at a Glance

These documents provide a look at what students learn during a given academic year.

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